European Psychiatric Association

The European Psychiatric Association

 Photo © M. Charton and N. RosesWith active individual members in as many as 88 countries and 40 National Society/Association Members who represent more than 78,000 European psychiatrists, the European Psychiatric Association is the main association representing psychiatry in Europe. EPA’s activities address the interests of psychiatrists in academia, research and practice throughout all stages of career development.

EPA deals with psychiatry and its related disciplines and it focuses on the improvement of care for the mentally ill as well as on the development of professional excellence.


The mission of EPA is to improve Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Europe.


prof. Silvana Galderisi

Dal 1 gennaio 2017, per un mandato di due anni, l’EPA sarà presieduto dalla “nostra” Silvana Galderisi! Siamo orgogliosi di questa carica, che racconta che in Italia ci sono studiosi di valore, che portano avanti ricerca e pratica con coraggio e dedizione! Abbiamo bisogno di Maestri che ci guidino e supportino nel nostro lavoro quotidiano!

E allora buon Lavoro Prof. Silvana!